Setting up PDXIntegrator

PDXIntegrator is a Java program that requires at least Java version 8.

Note that for now, we are using a private fork of the ontolib library for parsing the NCIT obo file. Go to and enter the following commands (notify Peter if you need access).

$ git clone
$ cd OLPG
$ mvn install

This will put the OLPG library files into your local maven repository (.m2 directory) and let you build PDXIntegrator.

PDXIntegrator is provided as a maven project. The quickest way to set it up is to clone the project from the GitHub site at and then to use maven to build the project. In the following, we show a command that will display a help message–if you see this, then you have successfully built the program.

$ git clone
$ cd PDXintegrator
$ mvn package
$ java -jar target/PdxIntegrator.jar

[ERROR] no command

Program: PdxIntegrator (Common Knowledge Graph PdxModel for PDXNet)
Version: 0.0.2

usage: java -jar PdxIntegrator.jar command [-c <arg>] [-d <arg>] [-o <arg>]
Available commands:

    java -jar PdxIntegrator.jar download [-d directory]: Download NCI files to directory at -d (default="data").

    java -jar PdxIntegrator.jar simulate [-d directory]: Requires NCI files in directory at -d (default="data").

    java -jar PdxIntegrator.jar map [-d directory]: todo.

Setting up drugbank

Before running the simulation command, the Drugbank XML file needs to be downloaded and processed. See drugbank.

Running the simulation command

Currently, we are building out a complete RDF model for the PDX Minimal Information standard ( Our strategy for development is to generate random PDX cases, write the corresponding RDF code to file (with the simulate command). Then, to test the query-ability of the model, we ingest the RDF file and query it using SPARQL queries (with the query command). This is inteded to allow collaborators to view the model and make suggestions for improvement. The end game would be to develop this code to allow ETL of PDX data into this model. The following sections show how to set up and run the simulation